Raven's Mech And Battle Shop
- all forms of fighting are allowed. T1,T2,TB, Para...just let others know what your doing (with gold permission. let a mod KNOW)
- Sex is allowed in both private and public posts
- no fighting INSIDE the store!
- The store is run by Raven and his 2 dragons unless otherwise noted
- if your addressed, that means your officially ic. DON'T ARGUE WITH THE ADMINS
- Shop owners/runners are listed. if your not on the list, you don't workh at the shop, don't pretend to.
- no trolling
- no advertising
- Raven WILL BLOCK you. v.v DON'T TEST HIM!!!!!
- The shop is indestrucable. DON'T try to destroy it.
- NO smoking in the shop
- no blowing things up in the shop
- if it sounds stupid, it is.
- Have fun, and remember to listen to the shop owners. we aren't trying to be asses, we just want everyone to have fun.
- No mixing OOC and IC
- No Private Sessions (unless in private room, and what happens there happens there. NOBODY ELSE NEEDS/WANTS/SHOULD KNOW!)
- if a hammer says it, it's law. DON'T ARGUE! YOU WILL BE BOOTED!
Shop Owner Info
Orion Drake Venice
Raven Ra-Kuhl Venice Yamabushi
Current Owners and (played by):
Raven Ra-Kuhl Venice yamabushi (RavenVeniceYamabushi)
Orion Drake Venice (RavenVeniceYamabushi)
Maziritis Drake Venice (RavenVeniceYamabushi)
Robert Sidian (Fox_Dev)
The area is huge, built on a small planet, it consists of a main shop and many small factories for repairing, reloading, and storing of various goods. The planet is a desert, having very little growth naturally, though Raven has taken time to make some life there, hating things to be so dreary.
The main store is huge, containing a little bit of everything both old and new. Things are scattered about, as we are still in construction, and time has NO meaning here, a place where a future soldier and a medieval fighter can meet and be friends or enemies.
(Free RP Zone. only thing we ask is that you listen and obey the managers, otherwise have fun and if you want it, WE GOT IT!)
Email: ravenvenice@yahoo.com